Buprenorphine Treatment for Opiate Addiction-2025


Opioid Addiction

You can't fix the problem until you understand it.

Understanding the problem

Is simply stopping taking drugs the answer? Is it just a matter of discipline and willpower? Most addicted people remember a time when they could simply stop and be fine, why can't they do that now? Is it the withdrawal? Is it clear sailing once past the withdrawal? Why on earth would someone take a treatment drug if the goal is to get off drugs?

The answers to these questions become obvious once you understand addiction. This site explains what addiction is and what it is not and helps you form a foundation necessary for making sound decisions about addiction treatment. Equally as important, what you learn on this site will help you avoid making common mistakes.

The Real Goal

This site will explain that the real goal should not necessarily be getting off drugs, but ending the addiction. That might sound like the same thing, but you will soon learn how significant the distinction actually is. You will learn that withdrawal and the act of taking a drug is only a distraction from what really matters, addiction.

Most people don't understand addiction and as result make poor choices about how to combat it. Some unnecessarily spend thousands of dollars on ineffective short-term fixes, most relapse and start over while others aren't so lucky.

You will learn


  1. Brand names for buprenorphine/naloxone (bup/nx)

    combination products in the US:
    Suboxone Film
    Bunavail(discontinued in 2020)
    , and generic equivalents of the discontinued Suboxone Sublingual Tablets.
  2. Buprenorphine products in the US WITHOUT the added naloxone

    1. Subutex Tablets
      discontinued in 2009
      ) but the
      generic equivalents remain available
    2. Buprenex®
      is an injectable,
      FDA approved for pain
      NOT addiction -
      illegal to prescribe for opioid addiction
    3. Butrans®
      Patch, also
      FDA approved for pain
      and NOT addiction -
      illegal to prescribe for opioid addiction
    4. Pharmacy-compounded bup or bup/nx
      preparations - NOT FDA approved for addiction -
      illegal to prescribe for opioid addiction
  3. Probuphine®
    is an insertable
    buprenorphine rod
    which goes under the skin and releases bup over the course of 6 months. It
    was FDA approved in May of 2016
    , and is for the treatment of addiction.
  4. Belbuca™
    is a
    buprenorphine film
    which goes on the inside of the cheek. It
    was FDA approved in October of 2015
    , and is for the treatment of pain - NOT FDA approved for addiction -
    illegal to prescribe for opioid addiction
  5. Sublocade™
    , from the makers of Suboxone®, is a once-monthly buprenorphine subcutaneous injection, FDA approved 11/2017 for the treatment of opioid use disorder (opioid addiction).
  6. Download Adobe Reader to view PDF files


  1. Nothing on this website should be confused for medical advice. The information provided here should only serve to inspire you to find out more from credible sources. We hope to help you understand the disease better so that you know what questions to ask your doctor. Never take any online medical advice over that of a healthcare professional, assume it's all made up. Despite the links to peer reviewed studies all interpretations of said studies may be opinion, unreliable or erroneous. If some patients found something beneficial to them it's not an indication that it will be beneficial to you, on the contrary, it may be dangerous. You, not us, are responsible for what you do with the information you get from this website or any website.

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