You can't fix the problem until you understand it.
Understanding the problem
Is simply stopping taking drugs the answer? Is it just a matter of discipline and willpower? Most addicted people remember a time when they could simply stop and be fine, why can't they do that now? Is it the withdrawal? Is it clear sailing once past the withdrawal? Why on earth would someone take a treatment drug if the goal is to get off drugs?
The answers to these questions become obvious once you understand addiction. This site explains what addiction is and what it is not and helps you form a foundation necessary for making sound decisions about addiction treatment. Equally as important, what you learn on this site will help you avoid making common mistakes.
The Real Goal
This site will explain that the real goal should not necessarily be getting off drugs, but ending the addiction. That might sound like the same thing, but you will soon learn how significant the distinction actually is. You will learn that withdrawal and the act of taking a drug is only a distraction from what really matters, addiction.
Most people don't understand addiction and as result make poor choices about how to combat it. Some unnecessarily spend thousands of dollars on ineffective short-term fixes, most relapse and start over while others aren't so lucky.
You will learn
Why medication-assisted-treatment is not switching one addiction for another
Why detox treatments fail 95% of the time
Why abstinence-only methods can be dangerous
How to use counseling and peer support effectively